Eradicating The Menstrual Poverty Problem In Kenya Through Menstrual Cups.

Richardson Samia

Richardson Samia

The menstrual poverty problem in Kenya is a serious one. Every year, over 10 million women are forced to use cloth or tissue as a sanitary pad during their periods because they cannot afford pads or tampons. These women often wear old clothes that have been washed and reused multiple times, which can lead to infections and other health problems.

These issues aren’t going away anytime soon. We’ve seen an increase in the number of Kenyan women seeking alternative methods for dealing with menstruation since 2010—from only 8 percent then up to around 50 percent now!

Menstrual Poverty in Kenya and how reusable period products can help in reducing period poverty

Menstrual health is a global issue. In Kenya, many young girls and women cannot afford menstrual products. When they don’t have these items, they may use leaves, rags, or old t-shirts, which can cause infections and embarrassing odor.

Menstrual health is a broader issue that touches many aspects of women’s lives, including their education, employment opportunities, and income generation. In Kenya, many young girls and women cannot afford menstrual products. The lack of access to these products leads to poor menstrual health, which can affect the ability of girls and women to participate fully in society (Kenya Demographic Health Surveys 2015). This problem has been identified as an important area for improving human rights for women because it affects access to education, health care services, and economic opportunities (World Health Organization 2016). More importantly, it also impacts their ability to complete school leaving certificates, negatively affecting their future career prospects and earning capacity (World Bank 2017).

The high cost of menstrual pads and tampons makes sanitary products inaccessible to some girls. Despite the Kenyan government, via the Ministry of Education and Culture in conjunction with the National Treasury, giving out subsidies to menstrual products, the cost is still high for most women, especially those from poor backgrounds. 

How AdetCup is solving the period issue in Kenya.

Solving this issue in the long term will require addressing the root causes of poverty. Still, in the interim, it is possible to provide low-cost items that last for years without causing infections. One such item is the AdetCup, a reusable silicone menstrual cup that costs less than KES 1499 and can last for over ten years. Low-cost menstrual products like this can improve menstrual health by reducing infections and odor.

The AdetCup costs less than KES 1499 and can last for over ten years. It is made from silicone, a non-toxic material that does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. It also features a unique design that allows you to remove it from your body easily: pinch the cup’s rim and pull it down towards your hips to remove it! This means that no matter what size menstrual cup you use, it will fit snugly and comfortably in place during your period.

To use an AdetCup properly and effectively, insert it into yourself like usual: first pinch off any excess tissue around its base (this prevents leaks), then gently push open until it is fully inserted into place; once inserted tightly enough so that there are no air pockets left inside when removing later on down their length; press firmly against other parts of internal anatomy such as cervix or uterus before beginning insertion process again until fully inserted all way up inside vagina itself.”

Menstrual products are necessary for many girls in Kenya, but they can be expensive and sometimes difficult to access. Girls may miss school due to the lack of sustainable period care, affecting their future education and career prospects.

The Kenyan government can help by providing low-cost reusable menstrual products that are affordable for all girls.

How to help: For every AdetCup menstrual cup you buy, we donate one to girls who cannot access period care products.

You can help in three ways:

  • Donate to a local charity that works with women who cannot afford period products and supplies.
  •  Volunteer your time with this organization, enabling you to make a difference in girls’ lives like those we have helped through our AdetCup program.
  •  Buy menstrual cups from companies like AdetCup (Africa’s largest producer) and donate them to girls who need them most.

Menstrual poverty affects millions of teenagers across the globe, and you can get involved with solving it in Kenya by donating or volunteering for one of several organizations there.

Menstrual cups are reusable and last for years. As a low-cost solution that can help reduce period poverty, menstrual cups can help reduce infections and odor while also saving money. Menstrual cups can be used in school to reduce period poverty among girls who do not have access to sanitary products.

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